Maher Water Damage Cleanup & Mold Removal
WOW Guarantee
Our Wow Guarantee - one of our core values that we give - every client - every time! For every job, whether a water damage disaster, mold issue or indoor air quality problem, our staff is encouraged to ask the following:
- Are they getting the WOW?
- Did you give the WOW?
We want every customer to say, "WOW, they are awesome!" to anyone they speak to regarding the experience....while they are going through a traumatic event and especially after. Let our team at Maher help you with all of your indoor air quality or water damage needs, at your existing property or in a new one!

Environmental Services for Homes in Detroit, Auburn Hills, & Troy
In unpredictable situations, you need reliable experts to help clean up the mess that may be left behind. We can help because Maher takes all our services seriously.
The last thing you want for your family or business is to have them be in an unsafe environment. With hazards such as mold, lead, and asbestos, people can be exposed to serious health threats that could be avoided.
Let Us WOW You
We want to be your breath of fresh air during a troubled time. For more information, contact Maher Water Damage Cleanup & Mold Removal today at 248-368-0807 or simply click here to make an appointment.